School Workshops
Handball Queensland arranges guest presenters and coaches for school P-10 HPE & Senior PE units of work or competitions.
Professional Development
Handball Queensland offers teachers the opportunity to complete coach and PD accreditation recognised by the Australian Sports Commission. HQ presents workshops at ACPHER and Get Active Qld PD events.
Resources for Schools
The International Handball Federation (IHF) Handball at School project was launched in 2011 with the motto Fun, Passion and Health. Resources are available from IHF to enable this program to be commenced without any cost to the school.
See our Teaching Schools Based Programs for guidance in schools below.
Contact Details
Schools Liaison
Susan Wilson-Gahan
Mobile: 0418 768 022
Guidance for Teachers & Coaches
The instructional and educational resources provided on this page are designed for use in schools from the primary level upward including lesson plans. The activities also form a sound platform for conducting learning activities outside of a school program in club-based or “Come and Try” learning and development sessions.