
Policies & Documents


QTHA Constitution April 2021

HQ Athlete Code of Conduct

HQ Athlete Code of Conduct, social media policy and media release consent 2024

Rules of the Game

The Rules Text, the Comments, the IHF Hand Signals, the Clarifications to the Rules of the Game, and the Substitution Area Regulations are all components of the overall rules.

Management Committee

The Handball Queensland Management Committee has the general control and management of the administration of the affairs, property and funds of the association for the purpose of fulfilling the objectives of the association.

Members of the Management Committee are appointed on an annual basis at the Association’s Annual General Meeting in accordance with the Association’s Constitution.

Office Bearers

The Associations Incorporation Act 1981 Sections 60 -61 Specify that a Management Committee must comprise a minimum of three (3) members;

  • President
  • Treasurer and
  • Secretary

These Office Bearers also manage the funds of the association as per S 43 of the association’s constitution.

Other office bearers could include Vice-President or as determined by the association.